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The project “VALORAM - Visualizing and improving value chains in the Amazon: understanding the impact and promoting partnerships”, was developed internationally involving universities in Brazil and the United Kingdom and is based on previous research experiences in the Amazon with producers and producers of traditional communities residing in conservation units. In these experiences, our objective was to impact “people”, that is, to expand the reach of Amazonian sociobiodiversity products and promote the empowerment of individuals and groups from the traditional communities involved, in addition to supporting the development of research by facilitating collaboration between international researchers. and national through external events and academic exchanges.

In the events we promoted, the residents of the traditional communities involved identified the low visibility and awareness of the external public about their activities as providers of environmental services; need for broader academic and technical contributions, such as conservation techniques; and a desire to strengthen the network of dialogue and activities involving socio-biodiversity value chains.

In this project, we seek to extend the impact of previously undertaken activities, including new demands from traditional communities. For this, and attentive to the previously identified demands, four short films were produced on socio-biodiversity value chains with the aim of sharing knowledge about production processes in socio-biodiversity chains.

The four short films portray regions of the Amazon protected by conversation units: Middle Juruá Resex, Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve, Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve, and Puranga Conquista Sustainable Development Reserve. Two short films are focused on the theme of seed oils, one is focused on the fishing production chain and one is on the tourism production chain. With this, we hope to attract the engagement of new actors in this global network of potential value chains.

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Our purpose

The ValorAM project sought to analyze the productive value chains of fish, seed oils and tourism in conservation units in the Amazon with the aim of attracting the engagement of new actors in the global network of value chains, in order to:

I - To promote the understanding of the activities of the value chains of the Amazon through the production of three films of activities such as community-based tourism, management of pirarucu and seed oils;

II - Facilitate community professional dialogue and knowledge exchange through immersion visits to selected conservation units, webinars and various digital tools;

III - Share experiences from the Amazon value chains in webinars, research seminars, posts on social media, reports and articles produced by the initial team and people who join the new dialogues;

IV - Facilitate the exchange of knowledge with professionals from the United Kingdom;

V - Promote inclusive growth for community producers in the Amazon in line with conservation through all project impact activities and;

VI - Provide all open access materials in Portuguese and English, and various dissemination platforms to facilitate the visibility and promotion of income-generating activities.

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Visualizing and improving value chains in the Amazon: understanding the impact and promoting partnerships

Source of resource: Programa Fapeam/Newton Fund

desenvolvido por m.akiraw 

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